Monday, September 7, 2009

I love Your Blog! Award to you...

Thanks to Lauren from Loafing Odysseys for appreciating my blog..Her blog are so nice with her lovely pictures about clothes, fashion and shares... Check out her blog!

I also want to give this award to blogs that really make me obsessed to read them over and over again!

1) Daydream Lily - For her inspiring photos and daydreams! (I mostly fell in love to all of her photos she uploaded...glowing and so dreamy).

2) Shell Sherree - For her lovely paintings and 'Love Notes' she left for me in my blog (thank you so much Sherree...)

3) A Softer World - For her lovely stories about her school life and secret admire (she reminds me of my high school)

And also to all of creative and inspiring blog:
Design Is Mine
Made By Girl
Paper Crafting
The Lost Princess
We Say Meow

What a great friends with great shares! Come and share what you have!

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