Sunday, December 6, 2009

Merry Christmas everyone!

Merry Christmas everyone! Christmas is just around the corner and its cold outside!

I would like to dedicate this Christmas wish especially to my Lola (grandma), uncles, aunties and cousins in Philippines. To my christian friends (too many of them and I can't type them here all one by one!) and to all my great blogger friends; especially Sherree (thanks for your lovenotes!).

May we live happily together with peace and friendships among of us no matter from where we are around this world, no matter what religion are we, no matter what language we use everyday, make this world the best place to live...

----------- .: SEE WHAT'S WRONG WITH OUR WORLD NOW! :. -----------

Homeless can be seen almost everywhere

...and beggers too.

Painful wars...

...causes hunger and disease.

So, tell me... What do we have for our dinner tonight?

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