Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My handmade diary book

Would you like to have one? Email me at

Items needed. UHU glue is actually missing here. It's actually a very important ingredient!

Sewing knowledge needed.

Close up. This is the inside part, the outside is the button. Sew them together.

The button work as the key of the diary.

Clean and tidy.


Front inside.

Back inside.

I made it by myself to replace my 3 years old diary book. Although we already have a new technology such as blogs to write on you daily things, but still I prefer this old technique. It's more secure and unforgettable. Maybe some people may say this might be very dangerous because someone might steal it and read it or maybe might misplaced or lost. But it's all depends on you. For me writing things on diary like this is so adorable as always!

About the progress of this book, I spent less than RM10 for all these ingredients (excluding the scissor, double tape, needle and thread). I bought them at Eaton's bookstore and Something Different handcraft shop.

Actually this is not my 1st handmade book. I can't remember how many books I've made but this one is the latest one. I love handmade stuffs and I got talent on it!

This is also one of my handmade book. Still not in use until today! I made it last 2004/05.

Also this. The one laid with pencil on it. It's actually my lyrics book. The cover designed with a patches of my freehair  photos. Made on 2003/04.
I got another favorite book that I've made myself. I still remember the design clearly but I can't remember where is it now. Maybe I gave it to someone else or lost it. The last two photos are my old photos taken by my sister, Iza.

So, have I inspired you so far? Or maybe you want to purchase a diary handmade by me! Just email me or leave a comment here. Thanks!

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