Sunday, July 17, 2011


I love surprises especially when it comes from him. He knew it and he love to make me happy with it. It shows how much I really mean to him.

Yesterday on my sunny day of Sunday, I got a very long sleep and his mom called me (they just arrived from Kedah yesterday). So, I took a very rush shower and grabbed my small purse with my eyeliner and few lipsticks of mine inside. I wore a cardigan and my favorite faded jeans and they picked me up.

I thought we just want to have a walk and enjoy the evening in town but then I realized the car didn't stop at anywhere but drove back home! Omg but okay I thought they will send me back home right after maghrib but as soon we arrived, he gave me his shirt and said, "Mak and Abah want you to stay here tonight." I was like, "Omg! I have to go to work tomorrow morning and how about my faded jeans and how about my panties lingerie?" Right after dinner, we went to the mall and bought it for me and now wearing my faded jeans in the office in this Monday morning.

That's how I manage surprises from him (and his family sometime). I cannot forget how I got this Lord of The ring few years ago. It such a huge surprise for me where I was almost like; OMG!

But I'm quite hoping that my wedding day won't be as this deadly surprise!

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