I grabbed this photo from my ex-teacher's friendster; Mr Shahidan Shuaib. He's my very close teacher back when I was in primary 6 (12 years old). He's our Islamic subject teacher and he's very kind. Back to this photo, they are all my ex-classmates.
This photo was taken during our Motivation Camp 2000. I still remember some of them;
The red t-shirt boy at the back is Yunus (sorry, there's one boy showing his middle finger!). The blue hijjab girl below Yunus is Asma. Next to Asma, the red hijjab girl is my bestfriend that time; Jeannah. A mix blooded Indonesian+European girl. The blue hijjab girl whose showing her 'peace' finger is Dahara. The white-and-blue dress women is Mr Shahidan's fiancee (now his wife) and next to Mr. Shahidan's fiancee, the non-hijjab girl is Andrea. This pink hijjab girl near the 'middle-finger' boy is Hasnah. She's married now and has 1 child. She's and Indoensian girl. She's the only one I still in touch with. The rest, I forgot their names. Sorry... (it was 9 years ago!). Myself? I was in a middle of green and blue hijjab girls near Jeannah! Hahahaha...
Here is my old best friend photos

This is Zahin. A mix blooded Malay+Malbari+Arabian. She's a very nice and funny friend. I know her since 1999 when his dad were trasfered to our estate and work in a same office with my dad. We went to middle school together and on 2003, she move to Peninsular Malaysia as his father were transfered again. Now, we still in touch via email and chat. She's now taking Degree of Accountancy somewhere at our locar university. She got
blog too!

This is Sarina. My very close friend too. An Indonesian+Chinese+Philippines+Local Sabahan girl. She's taking Degree in Geography (I guess) at University Malaysia Sabah. I know her since 2001 during my very 1st day in the middle school. She's a very nice friend and a good place for sharing. We're still in touch via phone and email.

This is Malarvili. A pure Indian girl. She's a friend who taught me everything about Indian culture until I can speak Tamil a bit. She's very nice friend! I know her since 2001.

Ah-ha..this is my very old friend although she's still young. This is Sofyana. A local Sabahan girl. I know her since 1997. What's the funny thing about our friendship, we were so into
911, a British boy band. Sofyana as
Spike's (Simon 'Spike' Dawbarn) girlfriend! Hahaha... On 1998, she moved to other school and we lost contact. Just until 2008, we met again! What a very thoucing moments... She's now taking Diploma of Accountancy at University of Technology Mara. We're still in touch via phone, sms and email.

This is Ezy Fairuzulaiha. A Brunei+Local Sabahan+Malay(Penang)+Indonesian girl. We become a friend since 1997 together with Sofyana. Ezy was Sofyana's childhood friend and they lived next door. Like I mention just now, Ezy was also the
911 group and used to be
Jimmy's (Jimmy Constable) girlfriend. (hahahahahaha). We were very-very close and we talk about everything. About boyfriends, makeups, fashion and all girls stuff until today. We went to different middle school but still in touch. On the middle of 2008 we met and we live together and rent a house when we were studying aboard until the end of 2008 when Noorman’s parents invite me to live together with them. We were still in touch today via phone, sms, chatting and emails. She's taking Degree of Management at University of Tunku Abdul Razak. She still love Britain because she love Britain football team. etc...
Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm
Lee's (Lee Brennan) girlfriend on the 911 British Band. Hahahaha (again).

This is it! The 911 British band boy. From left is Spike, Lee and Jimmy.
At the time I wrote this blog was Lee's birthday! Happy Birthday Lee.