Friday, November 20, 2009

So, you like heels?

Here's some weired heels I found at Google images. LOL

This is just for photography I guess...

This heel, you can flip in the heel and make it as a flat shoe!

This is the heel-less-heel I guess. But, nice!

LOL! Fancy...


I like this one! I thought Lamborghini was a boy!

Here's another..





An origami heels

What is this? A potpurri heels? But I like it! LOL

Ridiculous baby heels!

Em..I think I like this one...

A wireframe heels


And Here's the sacrifice that you made for your beauty!

Click Picture to enlarge

But I like Katy Perry's heel in her MTV Thinking of you!

I love to dedicate this post to NaNa and Een. Enjoy!

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