Tuesday, November 10, 2009

An Angel below the wind

My very latest drawing - Angel Below The Wind. I'll color it later..

Memaksa kita
Berpisah bagi sementara
Tak pernah ku pinta

Kita mampu merencana
Takdir yang terlaksana

Satu hati di hujung langit
Satu..itu sepuluh
Sejauh bima sakti
Kita yakin kembali

Tinggal lah oh pari-pari
Usah kau bersedih hati
Ku percaya akan mu..
Tersiksa batinnya
Usah lagi kau titiskan air mata
Hati ku terseksa jua..

Benar-benar menyiksakan
Jika ini satu rintangan
Harus kita teruskan..

--------------- .: TRANSLATION :. ---------------

Force us
To be seperate for a while
I never wish to

We only can plan
The destiny that happened

One heart at the end of the sky
One…is ten
As far as the milkyway
We believe that we will come back

Stay, oh angel
You don't have to feel sad
I believe in you

His soul is suffering
Please don’t cry
My heart were also suffer

Is really pain
If this is a barrier
We have to keep going…

p/s: This is not just a lyric from Meet Uncle Hussain Band (Pari-pari di bawah angin - An Angel Below The Wind) but also my feeling being separate with Noorman for almos 4 MONTHS!!

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