Thursday, February 25, 2010

This Life is Beautiful

Hello friends and all readers, I don't have much idea what to write in here. So I just want to share you a song. A nice and beautiful song from Dewa; an Indonesian alternative band.


Hidup Ini Indah - Dewa

Matahari menyinari seisi bumi seperti Engkau
Menyinari perih dalam jasadku ini
Selamanya seperti hujan
Kau basahi jiwa yang kering

Hidup ini indah bila aku selalu
Ada di sisiMu setiap waktu
Hingga aku hembuskan nafas yang terakhir
Dan kita pun bertemu

Kau bagai udara yang ku hirup
Di setiap masa Engkaulah darah
Yang mengalir dalam nadiku

Maafkanlah selalu salahku
   Karena Kau memang pemaaf
  Dan aku hanya manusia

Hanya Kau dan aku
Dalam awal dan akhir

This Life is Beautiful - Dewa
The sun shining this whole earth, as You
Shining my heart in this body
 Forever as the rain 
You washed away the dried soul

 Life is beautiful when I'm always be 
by your side in every time 
Till the very last of my breath
And we will meet there

You are like the air that I breath

In every second 
You are the blood
That running through my vein

Please forgive me
Because You are always forgiving
And I am only a human

There is only You and me,

From the beginning till the end 

Photos:- barangol0jenci 

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