Friday, April 16, 2010

Baby me

Baby me - 1988

Good day everyone! It's such a wonderful moments since my lola arrived from Philippines and spend time with us. So, here I share some of my old photos with you. But to see more, you can click HERE to get into the Vintage Photos page (you also can see the button on the bottom of my banner).

Aww, I love this picture very much. I can see how clean and innocent I am that time. Hu-hu... Noorman saw them all too when he visited home few days ago.

Things changes so fast and we don't even know what will happen on the next few moments. Like what I'm facing now, I've submitted my 1 month notice of my resignation from this company; The W Group. Yes, I know I didn't mention about my resignation plans before. It is shocking news. I choose this way because of some certain reasons. 

I believe I will have other better chances out there soon. InsyAllah... I don't have any new permanent job waiting me now, but I have my part-time Adobe tutor just next door to my office now. I know it won’t give a good pay as a permanent job and yes I am looking for some opportunities outside. 

Meanwhile, after my one month notification I planned to spend some free times with lola at the same time concentrate with my Adobe class and I also planned to spend some of my times with my artworks and creative stuffs which I've been planning for so long. But yes, time is running out. Life must be going on. Everything is waiting to come and happen.

Geez, who knows what’s going on next!

Me - 2010; The W Group

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