Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 10 & 11 - I'm in a holiday mood~

 Photos; nayein

It's a Good Friday yesterday and we got off day at work. Today, I'm back to work in a half day Saturday. It's a great time yesterday, hang out with family, playing games, watching movies, playing guitar, eat none stop and missing Noorman! It's the 10th day today...

I called him last night and he said that he will be arrive home to Malaysia on the 13th April... Sharp for 15 days! Good God!

By the way, I will be not around about two / three days since I'm having a trip to Kota Kinabalu (again) to pick my Lola (grandma on my dad's side) in the airport. She fly from Clerk Airport, Manila Philippines and we havent met for 20 years! Aww..I know it's gonna be a touching moments for us..

I can't wait for the trip again!! 6 hours driving and picnic and enjoying the Mt. Kinabalu view!

Click here to read about my previous trip to Kinabalu!

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