Friday, August 13, 2010

3rd day of Ramadhan

The story of the 3rd Ramadhan goes like this;

We break our fast in Banu Restaurant (again) with Arnel and Azman, Noorman's cousins. I ate Rojak Mee, another Indonesian traditional food. It's like a spaghetti with peanuts sauce and it's so yummy! I bought it in Gaya Street bazaar for RM2.00.

As we finish our meal, I left my Aowa drinking bottle in the restaurant! My-o-my...

Noorman choose to eat Mee Basah or Wet Noodle? Lol...

From left with pink glass is Arnel, with orange shirt is Azman and that's Noorman

That's is it... Happy Ramadhan and happy weekend everyone!

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