Sunday, August 8, 2010

Caboodle Rance - A City of Cats

Good morning Monday... I came a bit early to my office today, about 7 o'clock in the morning. Then as I switched my PC on, catch out my blog updates and got this - Caboodle Rance, A City of Cats from an Indonesian blog that I followed Apa Kabar Dunia (How Are You World) which is written in Indonesian language.

So, here's the story of the city...


Craig Grant, from Florida, USA spent his time, money and life to built this 10 hectare land to be a beautiful miniature city especially for cats. This place called as Caboodle Rance contain many miniature houses and miniature malls with 500 happy cats live in there...

Aww... how I really wish to have such a wonderful cats and miniature like this!

Source; Here (there's a video about this city in here)

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