Thursday, November 25, 2010

I'm always everywhere

Across the Universe

I wasn't been here for quite long awhile since I was so busy with my works, Facebook and another page somewhere around the Facebook.

Quite ashame when I remembered how much I really dislike Facebook and finally I got all my stuffs there. It's just a matter of some few things. My mom and dad got their Facebook too and its really helps a lot since we're all live separately everywhere around the corner of this country.

I'm so in polaroid mood and
so a dreamy Mood

Today; is a very dreamy day. I was having one day off yesterday to clean up the room; Noorman's parents is coming today and we gonna fetch them this evening after office. It's surely going to be another exhausted day to go. But not much to worry because this two fellows will fly again on the next day afternoon to Sandakan. Yes, they fly like a birds.

Now my Noorman is heading to pick me here. I'm so exhausted this week and need some holiday away from all this mess. But still I'm always addict to web designing because I felt I miss all the codings when I was in an off day or when I'm in weekend. Isn't that sound so funny? Or do I sound like a workaholic? No, I'm just a person how love my job very much.


Sometimes I do felt regret with this choice; to live far away from my mom and feeling homesick all nights but this is what life is. Grew up, work and married.

Mom, I promise I will come home...soon.

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