Friday, November 26, 2010

I'm Lost


I'm just feeling so lost. I lost my inspiration and it seems like I'm in a middle of nowhere. Everything I do today seems so nothing. I tried to get my soul back but I can't find it. I left it somewhere in the corner of nowhere. Ouch, that's to emotional today. Yes, I know.

Not much to say but my head forcing me to do something good, but I can't. I just don't have the strength to do such thing that can make my day satisfy enough today. I'm just lost in nowhere.

Show me the road to love

It's not because of something that bothering my head this morning, or maybe it is. I felt like everyone is staring on what I'm doing today. Ugh, I know its just a sort of unusable feeling but my soul want to shout and run. Now I become more emotional now. No, I'm not yet that too emotional.

I just want to do something as usual, as yesterday where my head full with brilliant lights and as everyday where people may clap hands and applause me saying "good job, Finie!". I'm just a bit lost today.

Show me the sunshine light

To where? To nowhere...   The clock crawl so slow today. Damn!

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