Monday, July 11, 2011

The main prize on the way! - Part 2

Remember my previous posts about how I sewed the bags by myself for the contest's prizes and how's my midnight journey to complete the sewing project. Oh, I'm so excited!

So, last night I just completed the illustration for one of the bags! OMG, OMG, I'm so excited to write these! Enjoy the pictures!

Begin the sketch using the magic pencil. Click to view better.

Close up. Can you see the eyes sketch?

Whole face in sketch. I like this one.

Curls started to grow.

Pencil sketch done!

Start the inking progress. This is my first time using it, so I saw a small problem on the textile where the ink started to spread out from the line. I was almost give up!

But I kept going on and finished both eyes perfectly! But the spreading inks still happened. But not that bad at all.

I didn't took any photo after that because I was totally excited to finish it. So, this is the inside signature/trademark of the bag just after the inking progress done perfectly.

Close up of the finished illustration with my official signature on it.

Walla! That's me with the finished product!  I was totally excited (mentioned again and again) but actually I was tired (after office) and hungry! LOL

Okay, close up.

Back side. Hehe...

Hoorraayyy! To be honest, I sewed four pieces of bags and I still got three more which are still plain. I will illustrate them soon (maybe tonight if I got inspiration/excitement to do so) and actually, to win these bags are still under consideration. I thought I want to give these bags to the  first three winners (while the fourth bag of course will be mine as a sample!) but when I think about it again and again, omg... I don't know how to decide! LOL. So I still want more and more participants right until I satisfy. He he he (evil).

Three bags more!

So, what do you say? Click on the sticker on the bottom there to join the contest.

Click to join my contest!

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