Monday, July 11, 2011

Midnight bus trip from KK to Sandakan

VVIP seat of mine (Sunday bus trip went back to KK)

I recently went back to Sandakan last weekend (as you can read on my newly previous entry about how I finished the handmade bag for my contest's prize). I took the late bus trip on 8pm last Friday right after my office hour which I got a product training that day.

A cool product training day last Friday

The night trip was okay on the beginning. But as we reached the hill road after Tamparuli, the bus stopped right in the middle of the gloomy road of the forest! Seems like no one there except cars droves by. That was about 9.30pm something. We stopped there for almost 30mins for nothing. It's just we heard a tire explosion but non of ours. Then the air-cond of the bus went warmer and warmer.

Maybe because the place aren't safe enough for us to stop there, so the driver decided to continue more further until nowhere. I tell you what, I was extremely exhausted after took the tahan mabuk pills. I woke few times when I felt uncomfortable with my seat. Lenguh punggung. The guy sat next to me also moved a lot maybe because of the same problem. Geez!

Took this on my trip back to KK from Sandakan on that Sunday early morning.

Then, suddenly the bus stop again after few moments I've lost the track (slept). We was at somewhere around Ranau area whereby I saw a roof of a closed restaurant. I can't barely move my head and not even my eyes to look around. They switched off the air-cond few times but I still can snore peacefully.

My slept was totally warm and nice that night right until the guy next to me shook my shoulder and said; "Ui, bangun! Tukar bas kita! (Hey, wake up! We're gonna change bus)" then I was 50% awake and grabbed my stuffs and walked like zombie to the exchanged bus.

The Nowhere forest. Took on the Sunday early morning trip.

I looked at the watch, it was about 11.40pm and we were still in a middle of Ranau forest?! Slowly, my head began to woke up to 70% and start replying mom and his messages. Four hours and half has gone and we're still nowhere?! KK to Sandakan only took about 6 hours! Hm...

So, we're already in the exchanged bus and patiently continue our journey and I also continue my sleep. We reached Sandakan sharp 5.07am and I reached home 30 minutes after.


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