Sunday, July 3, 2011

Self Potrait - Expired Polaroid Photography effect PART 2

That's me with my guitar in my tiny room yesterday, weekend.

If you are more into the latest style of photography effects, I think this is the current famous photo effect in photography world. It's called as a Double Exposure Photographs where few related or matched photos combined together on a single main photo. Few transparent or overlay effects will enhance the effect perfectly. Long time ago during the vintage/retro era of photography where film camera are the only tool, certain film problems may occur where sometimes the film will stuck in the roll and causing some images exposed twice to two different images and resulting photograph shows the second image superimposed over the first one.

But nowadays, creative minds invented this problem become a magical effects in photography field in creating ghostly or dreamy images.

So here's the simple progress of my photo. 

Ps: It's my very old laptop with a very low system, so I only can use Adobe CS version (the very old) one since that's the only version that my laptop can support. It's okay, advance tools are not that important in this progress.

Here's some cool inspiration that can enhance your idea of this latest style.

Get the PART 1 of this article here.

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