Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 5 & Day 6 - Lazy Sunday & Thriller Monday

Ok, talk about my last Sunday... The 5th Day without Noorman is bo-oring as the days before. So I spent my day with my laptop, playing The Sims game, listening to my mp3, playing guitar...

I called Noorman before dinner and he's fine there. I got a cheaper rate when I called his brother's Philippines phone line - about RM4.00 for 7 minutes, geez...

On the night, I watched 2012 movie in my sister's laptop (for my 1st time, yea... I know its lame)... I plugged in the woofer speaker so we got the thriller sound effects (with a small laptop screen...LOL) and geez...the movie is damn thriller! (so sad for myself... I watched it on laptop screen only while my grandma watched it in cinema during the movie first released in our town few months ago!).

The impact of the movie, I got a damn thriller Monday this morning! I can't sleep well last night and having a nightmare dreams of how to save my life and my LAPTOP in such a disaster! LOL...

Photo Credit; Shantaycinnamon,

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