Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Everyday Morning Journal

Happy Monday morning everyone!

My daily road to office in the morning. I love this road; Teluk Likas (Likas Bay) where you can see the Bukit Bendera (Flag Hill ~ or something) on the left side of the road and the sea side of the Likas Bay on the right side with the glory of sunrise light. Hmm...

I'm a bit exhausted today; it's MONDAY and I haven't got enough rest last weekend. In fact, I need more sleep. So, to avoid lateness to office, I didn't put my make up at home, besides in the car! That's what I usually do in my everyday morning to work.

I don't have enough time to stare my face in my bedroom mirror because I used my few minutes morning to cook for our lunch box and prepare our breakfast (it took about 45 minutes), then take an express shower, put on my clothes, have a rush breakfast and heat the car engine. So, there you go...

1. Me without make up

2. Put on a UV cream ~ OLAY

3. Some face powder

4. Some eye liner from LOREAL

5. A NIVEA lip-balm and MAYBELINE lipstick

6. DONE ~ just a very SIMPLE makeup

A very helpful magic mirror

...and thanks a lot to Noorman for this successful morning! ^_^ 

I know, this is so funny! Hahah...

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