Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Karaoke!

We went out to have a great Sunday with Noorman's cousins and we really have a great time together!

Me on the very left side, Linda (Man's girlfriend), Kak Emma, Noorman and Arnel.

Look at that! LOL

...and again! Seem's like I'm the one who control the mic! The pink shirt is Ika, Kak Emma's niece and Arnel; duet with me.


Ok! I'm done!

Kak Emma, me and Noorman

That's Man(the sponsor for this karaoke) with his girlfriend...and Kak Emma, Man's sister.


Ok, time to go home!

Aunties ask us to go to the market and buy some veggies and fishes for our dinner. So that's why we forced to go home earlier; about 6.30pm. Duh! I know it's aren't fun enough.. Need to work on the the next morning!

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