Thursday, March 10, 2011

Some quick update

I really need a rest...
I've done too much works...

Just some quick update; a little bit about my life. I've been posting just a little short stories since previous post this early year and less about my life. Well, I was just trying to minimizing the stories of what goes around me. It's just a matter of privacy something.

Actually, I've been spending most of my time in the internet doing Facebook works and works all day long. Plus, I don't have internet connection at home anymore so since then, we spend our days without internet and Facebook by doing stuffs like daydreaming and other fun things. So, when I reach office and grab the keyboard, I don't have much time to write stuffs but more into sharing beautiful photos.

Today, I was like, being so busy with some Facebook project; an official matters in Facebook; my office's official Facebook site which is fully developed by me. Of course it took some headaches and sweats on it since I'm new in Facebook. After all, I got a very-very cool result.

You can visit the page here (for Facebook site) and here (for our official site; fully designed and developed by me!)

See ya!

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