Thursday, July 22, 2010

Me as a Web Designer Part II

This is it...I finally grabbed a few seconds to snap my desk with stuffs and 2 pieces of PC screen on it. I cannot imagined that I spent 8 hours sitting on this place and face this stuffs all time. My-o-my... I always felt sleepy and trying to control my breath so I wont fell asleep!

It's my web design project on the left screen with maroon color and my blog that you're reading now on the right screen.

...and this is it! The place where I spent my whole weekdays; sitting on this uncomfortable-blue-chair (I wish to sit on a chair that got wheels on it so each time I move it wont make sound - does it called as a wheelchair?). There's Noorman's PC headphone for me to stuck my ears all hours listening to or My green-Aowa-drinking-bottle and my The W Group (my former company)'s notebook to write my notes and stuffs.

I won't say it's boring because I do enjoy it!

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