Thursday, July 22, 2010

Me as a Web Designer!

I haven't write stuffs here for so long! I know that... Well, I am currently working as a Web Designer in a health-product company. It's a Switzerland based company and we are the Asian Pacific branch and I'm as a web designer for our websites. We have a lots of web site to be design and upgrades and that's my responsibilities.

I do have unlimited Internet access in my office and face two screens on my desk to do my designing! But I got a lot of fun works to do. I do enjoy my work now!

Here I include some of my work. It's still under 'localhost' folder which is not yet published. I will give the link when it's completely done.

This is my favorite project. It's a breast enlargement product (LOL) and I made the whole things. I just finished it today. Took about 3 days to complete. I need to bring this to my supervisor before it can be publish online to public.

This is my 1st project. The EUF, some placenta product. It's a halfway work which I was responsible to re-resign and complete the whole stuffs around. I took 1 week to complete the whole pages.

*You can click the images to enlarge it and see it clearly.

Now, I'm waiting for another new project to be done! I just love my job!

P/s: Happy belated Birthday to my sister, Iza! Hope you found your 4G pendrive!

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