Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sweet memory of Sutera

It's a great place and awesome girls with nice peoples around! Although just for a couple of weeks, it's a great memory I will never forget. Thank you so much girls.

Meantime, this coming 12th July will be a brand new life for me! I got a new job; a Web/Graphic designer in Kota Kinabalu city, again. Yes, good news that I'm going to live with Noorman again (he's working as a graphic designer as well) but the bad news is, I'm going to leave my mom alone at home with my lil-brother; Fizul. Everyone aren't here!

For sure I'm going to be a lot of homesick but luckily it won't be as bad as before since my youngest sister is also in Kota Kinabalu for her high school.

I'm going to stay with Sarina, my best friend, somewhere and for sure I'm going to be the new me. A working going-to-be-a-woman! Everything gonna be alright. How long am I going to live here in Kota Kinabalu? I don't know...

Here some girl-y photos of us;
   From left; Fazlina, Me, Wani and Kuza

Wani, Kuza and Me

Fazlin & Kuza

Me with cutie little guys from New Zealand

Aww..they were so excited with me. They called me 'Lady Fimie'! Isn't that cute!

This is so great! I'll bring this sweet memories with me wherever I go! Love you girls!

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