Thursday, July 16, 2009

I have to be brave

in this real life, loneliness is the fact to face..
watching fake smiles passed from time to time,
also those painful tears that giving me nightmares...

but i know i have to face this loneliness alone,
crossing this emptiness with a little brave in heart..
Although he's with me here,
i must stand on my own,
thinking and convincing myself that i have to be brave alone,
saying to my own eyes that i have to do on my own,
and face all those mad faces that hurts my soul so much..

i love my family as myself,
i love him as i love myself,
but i need Him more than anyone i love..

cause He knows my sadness,
He saw my tears,
He feel my painful heart,
but i know i have to be brave to face this world..
because i always know;
that no matter how long i should walk along this empty shore,
He watch every step i take...
He knows everything...

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