but i still like my childhood. when i was 7 or 12...or maybe when i was on my sweet 16 or 17 years old with my highschool life... i guess that time is much better. because when we were young, we dont have to think too much about how's life going on.. dont have to worry about how much penny you've spent that day because you'll have it tomorrow...
highschool was so great... having cute boys around and admiring (uh-hu), chatting and gigling with friends... oh, how i really miss that day...
before i turn on 18, i was living with mom dad and sisters and brother at our home sweet home. i REALLY miss that moments... we lived there for almost 15 years, i still remember i was 5 years old something when we moved there... what a great days... i learnt everything about life and being a good girl... although it was not in a uptown area, but good enough to see how wide this world be...
but then, on 2006, i continues my study 500km away from home and start a new life away from my family.. then i met noorman, a man who change my life forever, tought be to be brave and to be mature in all matters...
end 2007, my dad was transfered to other estate which mean we have to leave the 15 years old house we lived in happily... its a very touching moments for me and my family leaving the house. it was a great memory our family ever had... and now we live at our new home in an urban area.. a very big changes to my sisters and brother to grow up...
after 3 years strugling in this city, 500km away from home, its time for me to go home... leaving this horrible place and many unforgetable memories together with noorman... noorman will leave this place to and...... we gonna meet soon and start a very new life..

for my 21th birhtday; i would like to thank my mom and dad for giving happiness along my ages, my sisters and brother for filling my life with wonderful moments, my beloved relatives whose always giving me smiles and huges, and my beloved noorman for all the loves and kisses.. how much i really love you all...
no more rain in my life... i'm gonna start a brand new happy life with many more things to do...
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