Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sabah's Art are still oldstyle

u can compare the artworks thru Sabah Art Gallery especially for local artis...i guess their design were still 'ketinggalan zaman'..i've been to National Art Gallery, even local pple designed a very cool artworks which is can be in a same level to other international artworks.. i like mordern artworks compare to oldstyle oil paint potrait and

one of local sabahan artworks

bila sabah bleh wat artwork yg mcabar n bersinopsiskn urban city life style like this???

One of KL pple artworks

So..why shud we trap ourselves in this old traditional artworks which doesnt chnage for years n never shown any changes?? boring.... artlovers from outside might see the same thing of sabah such as ORang utan, rafflesia, Yayasan sabah building, mt kinabalu...all in same old style presentation...

well, i can design one of them which i will upload soon...

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