Sunday, July 12, 2009

My kitten's dead!!!!!!

Omg!..d kitten slept inside noorman's dad's pajero last nite bcoz it was raining..
and dis morning, as noorman start d engine (to send me to office), he didnt realize that d kitten inside d engine..then as the fan start to swing......po0f!!!!

n now, the engine belting was damage n noorman dont know how 2 fix it!
argh!! 2morrow noorman parents will fly back here to 2 fetch em bcoz d pajero's belting was, d kancil engine oil is totally low..d proton saga, abg Mi borrow bcoz his Savvy in d workshop..urrggg!!!!

This is how d poor kitten almost look like

This how d damn pajero look like..hmmm

This is how d kancil look..but in white color..
This is d very DAMN savvy..suppose to be in metalic green color

and this is d classic none-sense proton look like...
And now....what should noorman n me explain to noorman's parents about this DAMN story???about d pajero's belting n who's fault?? Is it our fault for not checking d engine if there's any sleepover kitten inside..doing this every morning????urgh!!!!!!

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