This 29th July will be my 20th birthday...which mean i'm about to change...
its not a force-change but my sense is about to 'update'...
from crazy about this..

to wishing to wear this...

From reading this...

to reading this junks!..
From listening this type of screams...and this junks too...
to enjoying this type of know...
and this type too now!
which now i'm thinking about donating my old stuffs like this:-...
n replacing them with this new cool stuff!!

u know how its feels like when u'v realized that this changes is about to start! u imagin how fast its happened when u hav 2 older sisters which brought so many influences in u to be mature and more noorman wil be a bit annoy about this anjakan paradigma..but this is what we call as evolution..he's also face the same changing his shoes, jeans, tshirt n soooo on collections..since he's a year ahead of me, he got this a bit earlier than (thinking)
you this small city, there'll be a small amout of a-turn-to-be-a-women girl u can found..but still, i'm one of them..
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