Sunday, December 26, 2010

14th Day Challenge

I wrote this post a bit late since I wrote more about other stuffs in my previous post. So here's my 14th Day Challenge today; A TV show you’re currently addicted to.

This is funny because I didn't watch TV a lot but I try to make a list here.

National Geographic that gives so thousand of information

Discovery Channel - love it so much!

History Channel that gives you stuffs about historical things all around this earth
I love National Geographic channel, Discovery Channel and anything that related to sci-fi stuffs. I love to watch shows that can give information rather than just watching it with nothing. I hate Indonesian drama but I loved one of them, sometimes.

Oh, I forgot! I used to addicted with this TV Show; Mula sa Puso, a tagalog drama, it's about 8 years ago. From this, I started to addict with all those Tagalog actors such as Late Rico Yan.

Mula sa Puso

Late Rico Yan - He's damn cute!

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