Wednesday, December 15, 2010

6th Day Challenge

Good morning to all my dreamers. It's a beautiful sunny morning today and I had a bad boil in my eye! Luckily I didn't got any fever so far. Hopefully no at all. I wan't to stay in the office and finish my works rather than stay at home doing nothing. But my weekend still as busy as usual. Doing laundry, cleaning PETS, cleaning house and rest.

Talk about pet, well I got a sad story. My father-in-law's Kaloi fish died last night due to infections on her fins. She can't swim well and at last she died in tragic! I think she drown herself in her aquarium because she can't swim well. I don't like fish as a pet. 

So, here I am to write about my 6th day challengeA photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet.

Currently I do have pet, its a cat from a species of Snowshoe cat. I got a pair of them and mine is a tabby snowshoe cat and I call him as Tookeen or Stocking! Haha...that's because his color exactly like my Noorman's dirty socks but he is so cute. They are about 1 month old but got an eye infections. That's make me got another headache about having pets.

Cat is a common pet especially for Muslims. But for me, if only Muslim can pet a dog, I love to have them! I wish I could be the owner of a Sheepdog.

Sheepdog is so clever.

I love them because they are clever and very responsible. They called as Sheepdog because they are the guardian of sheep. I love their black and white color and how they wave their tail whenever they excited. Dog is such a great friend.

But since Muslims can't pet a dog, I only can afford typical pet like a Tuxedo Cat.

A Tuxedo Cat that looks like wearing a tuxedo mask.
As Sheepdogs, Tuxedo Cat got a black and white combination and makes them really special. I love black and white things. So simple.

But if I can afford to get a weird pet, I wish I could have a Black Leopard as my pet!

A sexy black leopard
I know it's kind a weird or danger, but black leopard is sexy as it look. I know its huge, but geez...she's so beautiful. Or maybe I can paint them to be a black and white leopard?! Ha ha...

Pet is the best friend created by God for human being. Anything can be human's pet as long as it loyal.

I wrote few articles about animals and you can read them here.

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