Thursday, December 16, 2010

7th day challenge

Good morning all dreamer. It's a beautiful day with the blue ocean in Teluk Sepanggar where I drove by there on my way to office. OMG, I'm writing my 7th day challenge today; Your dream wedding! 

So here what I dream for...

A butterfly themed wedding

in a green grass field

or somewhere in the woods

just like my sister's wedding

of course in my favorite place of all - Kundasang, Sabah. So proud to be Sabahan!

I love to make it simple. No huge and expensive kenduri kendara (crowded Malay's party) but just as simple as it can be. I try to avoid wearing too fancy wedding dress as what Malay usually choose. A full laced with glitter beads all over the dress which makes you look like a glittery fairy godmother! I just want a simple white dress. Just simple.
Jennifer's Ramos wedding dress, she brought it in online store!
I love this one. Sorry I forgot where I grabbed this
...and OMG, for sure I don't want to wear this again.

During Make Up Academy last weekend, I was just a model for my ex-teacher. He took this make up academy class for 3 days and make me as his experiment canvas. LOL

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