Sunday, December 26, 2010

I'm a Sabahan Blogger - Proud to be Sabahan

Happy Monday morning to all my dreamers. Oh, look at that entry's title; I'm a Sabahan Blogger. Ok, I write this to join a contest that I got from my old fellow friend; Abu in his latest blog entry. Since I followed his blog, I got a LOT of Malaysian blogging information! Thanks to him!

This contest is about promoting your blog more to Malaysian bloggers outside there by writing about your blog and yourself. So here's mine.

My name is Finie. My status is 'engaged' and unavailable (LOL). You can contact me through my blog or my email; or my Deviantart ID or my Facebook.

Now I'm currently live in Kota Kinabalu but grew up in Lahad Datu for 17 years and I'm originally from Sandakan. My current home is in Sepanggar, Kota Kinabalu and Taman Airport, Sandakan.

What is interesting about my place(s) - I'm so lucky because I know these places so well and proud to be part of them.

Sandakan's aerial view
It's the city where I born. Sandakan is the second largest city in Sabah. Used to be under British colony 100 years ago right after the Sultan Sulu 'pawned' Sandakan to the English people (adapted by old folks stories). Before using 'Sandakan' as it's name, the Englishman used to named it as Elopura means Beautiful Town. Sandakan also have it English name which is called as Mayburgh (not many people know about this English name) during the era of British colony. It is also known as Little Hong Kong because Sandakan peoples are almost Chinese in majority especially the old folks!
Sandakan Memorial Park
The best thing in Sandakan for me is Sandakan Memorial Park which have witnessed the death of approximately 2400 Australian and British prisoners of war held by the Japanese in the Sandakan POW camp, within the sight of Allied victory in the Pacific war. I love this place the most! Read my journal about Sandakan Memorial Park here.

Then we have Sepilok Rehabilitation Center of Orang Utan. To be frank with you, it is the largest Orang Utan's rehabilitation center in the world! Sandakan is known as City in Nature where you get a ticket to see real wilds and greens and blue oceans. Read here to know more about the wilds in Sabah.

Sepilok Rehabilitation Center
We also have Turtle Island or Selingan Island, the crystal ocean island for turtle to breed. It is famous as Sipadan Island in Semporna. My grandmother used to work there as a chef cook in Selingan Island! We have another historic Island called Berhala Island, the place where the Japanese prisoned all the English peoples during the II World War era and it is also known as the place where Japanese throw all the Leprosy patients and violently left them dead there (scary, huh?).

Crystal clear of Selingan Island

The historic island of Berhala

Agnes Keith Tea House
Sandakan is also the place of Agnes Keith House, the house of a wife of Conservator of Forests and Director of Agriculture for the government of North Borneo under the British Chartered Company. She is the one who named Sabah as Land Below the Wind and she wrote books about her life in Borneo which now listed as the best journal book about Sabah (I've red it once and it's really great).

There's lots more to see in Sandakan because Sandakan is the real place to see the history of Sabah since Sandakan is the first main city of Sabah after it moved from Kudat in 1883 then lastly moved to Kota Kinabalu in 1946. Sandakan is so historic and Vintage! It is also one of the 'Seafoods Heaven' in Sabah! I got lots more to share about Sandakan but later on, I guess.

Lahad Datu
Lahad Datu aerial view
Lahad Datu is just a small town but much bigger than Kunak and Seporna but it is the fourth largest city in Sabah. It's just about 2 hours drive from Sandakan and it's in between Sandakan and Kunak. During the British colony, Lahad Datu was marked with the name of Mayne (not many people know about this English name).
Foggy Danum Valley

Not much to see in the town but it is the link for you to get into one of the greenest spot in the world that is The Great Danum Valley where you can see most endangered and uncommon wilds there! You can watch them in most of National Geographic segments and it's really made me proud to be Sabahan!

Read more in my entry about I'm proud to be Sabahan.

My blog writes about sharing arts and inspirations. Well, I'm a girl with thousand imagination that gives inspiration to everyone. That is what Finie Ramos blog about. I got an inspiration to keep writing these from lots of international bloggers outside there especially a dreamer bloggers from Australia and New Zealand (see my sponsor links on the right side).

That's all about me and my blog and I will keep writing! Happy reading!

Gosh! It's my longest entry I guess!

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