Sunday, December 26, 2010

500 Blogs

500 Blogs

My name is Affinie A. Ramos and mostly call me as Finie. I'm a web and graphic designer for almost 6 years and I have a good sight in art.

Finie @ Work
I've been blogging for three years (if I'm not mistaken) to share arts and inspiration all around the earth. I wrote dreamy things here and mostly inspired by dreamers from Australia and New Zealand.

Most of my articles are linked to Deviantart and Etsy also from my sponsors that you can see in Sponsor banner on the right side of my page. I share my dreamy feelings here for most of the time but in a same time I also do some research to add more spices in my blog (especially things about Borneo, Sabah and how I proud to be Sabahan).

You can get lots and lots of treasures in my blog! Keep digging and happy reading!

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