Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 4 Challenge

Good day everyone, I haven't online for quite while since I was quite busy during my weekend. I even took 1 day off day due to my extra activity.

This is my last weekend activity - grooming and being a drama queen. Ha ha...

So here I am for my 4th day challengeYour favorite photograph of your best friend

SK Sandau - 2000
I hope this photo still related to the challenge's rule. I just love this photo very much! I was 12 that time and at this moment, we were in our last primary school camping before we all separate to new high school life. They are all my best friends. (Sorry for the middle-finger).

I took this photo from my teacher's album and this is really touching. I didn't have so many picture of this time and this is the best I have.

This is the best moment of all in my life. I love childhood story and this is always the best in time. I wish I could go back young and giggles around again.

Oh, I start feeling so old now.

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