Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mount Kinabalu and the morning sunrise

Can you see the mountain? - Taken from KKIA T1 MAS Airport, Kota Kinabalu; 5.30am

The morning sunrise reflection on the glass of MAS Airport

Good morning dreamers. It's a great day today because I've watched the Madrasapattinam movie last night for another second time, thanks to Mr. Mohammad for downloading it for me and today I wake up early; about 4am to send Noorman parents to the airport, they fly back to Kedah.

Just after they enter the departure hall at 5am, Noorman and me went to airport's McDonalds to have a breakfast then we went outside the airport enjoying the morning sunrise of Kinabalu City with the glory of Mt. Kinabalu.

I met Australian tourists while enjoying the view and we had a great chat. They are on their next trip to Sandakan. I bet he's reading my blog now because I gave him this blog when he asked what I do; I'm a web designer. Sir, if you read this, feels free to drop a comment below on the 'Love Notes', thank you!

While chatting with him; he asked me a question - "Which one does I like the best, Kota Kinabalu or Sandakan?” It's a good question! So, here's the answer;

I'm originally from Sandakan but currently work in Kota Kinabalu. I love both but mostly Sandakan not because I'm a Sandakan people but because I love history and all the past stories during the British Colony in Borneo and also interested with Agnes Keith book; "Land Below the Wind" stories. So, Sandakan is the best place to get them all.

I was so touched with the history of Sandakan Memorial Park and I love the English style in Agnes Keith House in Sandakan. Plus, I'm in a dreamy mood right after I watched the Madrasapattinam movie which is filmed based on the history of Chennai, India during the British Colony. Oh, so~ dreamy.

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