Sunday, January 9, 2011

22th Day Challenge - Hurt and Cry silently

It's Monday again and I got lot of works to do in my office but still I want to drop by here to write my 22th Day ChallengeA letter to someone who has hurt you recently. Someone who has hurt me recently?

When I red this challenge few weeks/day ago, I thought I will write to the girls that I hate but now I never thought it's not for them! (cry)

"Dear you,
You've hurt my heart recently. You even hurt his heart badly. I never thought that you might say that to us, especially me. I thought I will respect you for the rest of my life but my thought is totally wrong! 
Thanks for giving such a wonderful moments for the past few moments but right after you've done and said to us, I will be totally change. I'll no longer want to be with you as before and you will never gonna have a chance to see me again. 
I don't care although I know it might be wrong. But I'm still a human being, still need to be respect no matter how I know you used to loved me before but you've changed a lot! I still have my rights as a human being. It's just a matter of human instinct. You have to learn how to respect and understand life! 
Last but not least; hope you get well soon and start your new life without me!
xoxo - Me" 

My weekend ruined! I cried last Sunday and we never thought that this might happened to us so soon! So next February will be our brand new life to face.

Hurt and cry silently

And it's hurt badly

So I let the smoke sink in my soul again

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