Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chinese New Year @ Gaya Street

Oh, how could I forgot to write about last Friday at Gaya Street, KK town?

It's a Chinese New Year market with fireworks!

And that's Noorman.

Look how crowded it was.

We parked here, next to Atkinson Memorial Clock Tower at Bukit Bendera.
Oh, I was so amazed with this 100 years old tower!
That night, we met saw the prime minister of Malaysia; he went there for the grand opening of Chinese New Year market at Gaya Street and he was just next to us but since it was so damn crowded, we don't have a chance to shake hands with him and Noorman was so damn upset! Haha... We don't even have a chance to take his photo since our camera phone aren't that good enough!

But Gaya Street is the best place in Kota Kinabalu Town. Trust me!

Ps: Remind me to write about what I got there that night right on my next post, ok!

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