Tuesday, January 11, 2011

24th Day Challenge - Dedicated to my Mom

Good morning dreamers. I'm quite busy today but still don't want to miss the 30th Day Challenge entry and today is the 24th day challenge; A photo of something that means a lot to you.

Well, I got a lots of photos that means a lot to me but let my try to figure out which one is really mean to me.

Pinky - The best pet we ever had (he knows he's in the camera and he loves to pose)
Pinky used to be my uncle's pet but since they got a new born baby, so the let us pet Pinky. Pinky is a male cat breed by two different species of cats (but I'm not sure which species) but for sure, he got a very beautiful fur. He called as Pinky because when he was born, he was totally pink (my uncle said just like a Pinky and The Brain cartoon - yikes). 

We pet him for years but once we moved to the big town of Sandakan, we lost him. My mom thinks he might go somewhere around the neighborhood to find a wife. So we just let him free.

We met him sometime in the neighborhood but he totally changed and not as friendly as before. We miss him a lot but he deserved a real life as a cat. That's why I choose his photo(s) as one of 'a photo that means a lot to me'.

Pink is a very intelligent cat. He loves to play with my brother and loves to walk on the computer keyboard while someone is using the PC! He loves to sleep on PC desk maybe waiting for someone to play the computer so he may walk on the keyboard again!

Pinky sleep on mom's computer desk - his favorite

My brother with Pinky - they used to be so close together

But the main story of these photos are - they are all taken in our most beautiful house which is not belong to us anymore in the estate area. We all love this house very much! For us, all photos that we took from our old house are very precious for us.

Look at that! He loves books.
This is the place where we used to play.

These are the greens that taught us to be who we are now - for almost 20  years

The shadows that used to be our playmates.

And this is the house that brings a lot of beautiful memories to us - unedited photo

Our bed room's door - Lot of jackets and bags. That's my guitar and look at that handrawing Sailormoon and a poster of Linkin Park that I used to adore a lot that time. 
Our book shelve. Look at that; Sailormoon complete comics and my handmade pencil case!

Our frame table. A table of memory.

Another shoot of our book shelve. That's my lyric book - Handmade cover

Beautiful morning sunlight through the tree back in our home backyard.

Childhood plays

The cute little tree that big enough for us to play under it

One of our home's side that facing the sunset light

Sunset among the oil palm trees

Oh, now I'm homesick and...Omg! I've been here for quite long! I gotta go now and do some works. Happy reading, dreamers.

Some photos took by my sister Iza while some took by me. Read more about our home here and here. All of these photos are mostly taken on 2004 and 2005. 

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