Sunday, January 16, 2011

27th Day Challenge

It's my 27th day challenge today and the challenge sounds like; A picture of you last year and now and how have you changed since then? Since it's still early of 2011, so I prefer to talk about the previous year of 2009. 

I was working in The W Group company as a general clerk in a small town of Sandakan. Compare to what I am today, I do changed a lot not only in work but everything, all about life.

Life in this big city of Kota Kinabalu are not as easy as people thought compare to Sandakan. I've been here in KK since I'm in college but it's totally different as I start living as a working person, grew matured.

I've found out that spending money is not as easy as taking out penny in your pocket especially when mom aren't around.

I've found out that making decision is not as easy as picking flowers in the garden

and not even as picking clothes in your wardrobe.

Just be Wise.

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