Monday, January 24, 2011

Love you, loved me

Love you, Loved me

My latest drawing, finished last weekend. It's still RAW and I will finish it digitally later when I have free time. I got a problem in scanning it because the scanner cannot read the edge of the paper and its cropped like this! I don't know how to fix it. Later.

Actually this is one of my sketch idea for my grand fine art project which I name it as 'Urat Dara' or Virginity; a tale about a virgin forest of Danum Valley.

It's been quite long I didn't play with my pencil and sketchbook since I'm quite busy with my digital works; editing some photos digitally using Adobe Photoshop. I really miss it. I bought a charcoal pencil and some oil paper for my art project but still feeling dreamy in finding some inspirations.

I'll post the final work for this lady in rose drawing in my next post. Happy dreaming.

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