Wednesday, January 12, 2011

25th Day Challenge

Hola, dreamers! I got a bad dream last; ghost chasing me which mean I'm going to have a very busy day today and it's true! Once we woke up this morning, we found out that Noorman's laptop charger is missing! So we search everywhere around the house but we still can't find it! It's a very panic situation. Luckily I didn't late to work.

So, here's my 25th Day Challenge today; What’s in your purse?

Good God, what's in my purse? Omg, should I write it fully? Nah, for sure I won't put the photo of it here. It's kinda privacy! So, here's the list;

  • Some penny,
  • 3 bank cards,
  • Old shopping receipts - I intend to throw it but; later~
  • My-card (Malaysian ID),
  • Driving license,
  • Some international coins - Hong Kong and Philippines coins,
  • A piece of Indonesian money - I'm not sure how much is it; million billion Rupiah?!
  • Photos of my beloved fellows,
  • A Sailormoon card - LOL, I know this is funny but I kept this for more than 7 years in my purse!
  • A Sim card's main card,
  • Lipsticks,
  • Hand sanitizer,
  • Eyeliner,
  • Lip balm,
  • Ibuspan tablets for my migrane,
  • etc...
Gosh! This is too much! I put those make up stuffs in my purse because my purse is quite big that I can put almost everything inside! But I intend to get a new smaller purse later. But, I think mine now is quite good too. Hmm...what a kind of challenge's question today?!

Here's some cute purses I found on Etsy

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