Monday, January 10, 2011

23th Day Challenge - 15 facts about me

Good morning dreamers. Hopefully this beautiful morning bring us a beautiful day today. So here I am writing my 23th Day Challenge; 15 facts about you.

Wow, this is quite too much but I remembered I wrote this once long time ago but for sure not until 15 facts. Okay, let my try to list it down here and it might take times.

  1. My dad is Filipino; Ilocano originally from Tarlac City, North Philippines while my mom is Indonesian mixed from Sumatran Malay and Bugis of Sulawesi Island. But my mom and dad both born and grew up here in Malaysia. 
  2. I've been drawing since I'm 3 years old and continues my arts in school by taking art stream from form 1 right until diploma.
  3. Refused to take Arabic class and Science class back when I was form 1 and form 4 just because I want to take Art class.
  4. Voted as Ketua Kelas or Class Leader for almost every year from kindergarten until high school; maybe because I have the sense of leader.
  5. Never use a cellphone with memory card (Oh! So sad...)
  6. Bought my own guitar with my own money back when I was 16 years old and learn guitar from my mom.
  7. My first job right after I finished my high school was a graphic designer in one of a well-known graphic shop in Lahad Datu.
  8. Worked in McDonald's as a part time crew for half a year in McDonald's Api-api Center last 2008 and became the most enjoy job I ever done.
  9. Been to Kuala Lumpur once and I didn't really like to stay there long!
  10. I got asthma but I love cat.
  11. Never gain weight although ate a lot.
  12. Grew up in the oil palm estate area for 18 years and start to live in city life during college life until today. (But I always proud to say that I grew up in the estate area and success today)
  13. Used to have a black cat with long tail called Mike Shinoda (a Linkin Park member's name) but he ran away.
  14. Have 5 sisters and one little brother and used to babysit newborn baby since high school.
  15. Drove Land Cruiser BJ72 4x4 as the 1st car I drive in my life back when I was 15 years old and drove Toyota Mini Bus from Segama River until home (a highway about 25km) when I was form 5 without a driving licence.  
Okay that's it but I still have lot's more fun fact about myself but I think these are quite enough. Now you've know me better?

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