Thursday, January 13, 2011

26th Day Challenge

Good morning dreamers. I got a nightmare again last night; I dreamed a ghost again and I know I'm gonna be very busy today. So, here's my 26th Day Challenge todayA photo of somewhere you've been to.

Although I grew up in estate area, I've been to so many places especially during my childhood ages since our estate always gives us a free trip to everywhere around Sabah twice a year! So, I've been to almost everywhere around this beautiful land but not yet to west coast Sabah.
One of our free trip sponsored by dad's estate; Labuan
I thought I want to share to you my trip in Genting Highland, Pahang but I didn't have it in my hardisk now. I left it at home. So, here I share you the best trip ever; always be in Kundasang, Sabah.

I'm sorry because I'm a bit busy today. So I leave you with these articles that related to this photo. It's here and here.

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