Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Welcome 2011

2011 is just around the corner leaving this beautiful year of 2010. I wrote this post earlier because we're going to have a public holiday and I'm afraid that I have no chance to write about this at home.
Forget the hard past and create a better future.
2010 is quite good for me because in this year I got a great job; a web designer in Kota Kinabalu. In this year also I've completed my driving license and got a car accident for the first time in my life! Worked in Sandakan airport in a souvenir shop for just a month where from there I started to learn how wonderful Sandakan is. It's such a lovely memory for me.

View of my desk on my very first time working as a web designer.

Girls in Sutera. Miss you all, girls
Lot's of things happened around this year and the best part is; met my Lola for the very first time after 20 years and so many other things that I may forgotten to write it down here.

From the Airport with Lola
This coming 2011 will be another new challenge for me in this harsh life. My new year resolutions are;

  • I want to buy a car
  • Have my convocation
  • Eat more and gain weight (LOL)
  • Pray to Allah more and be a good girl
New year night plan? Nothing. As usual, as previous new year nights. Sleep and act like nothing on the brand new day on the next day. Ha ha.

Read my 2010's resolution here. Well, I have a problem to provide links that I've wrote previous days for you but I've tried to gave you some of them that I've found. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!

Welcome 2011

2011 is just around the corner leaving this beautiful year of 2010. I wrote this post earlier because we're going to have a public holiday and I'm afraid that I have no chance to write about this at home.
Forget the hard past and create a better future.
2010 is quite good for me because in this year I got a great job; a web designer in Kota Kinabalu. In this year also I've completed my driving license and got a car accident for the first time in my life! Worked in Sandakan airport in a souvenir shop for just a month where from there I started to learn how wonderful Sandakan is. It's such a lovely memory for me.

View of my desk on my very first time working as a web designer.

Girls in Sutera. Miss you all, girls
Lot's of things happened around this year and the best part is; met my Lola for the very first time after 20 years and so many other things that I may forgotten to write it down here.

From the Airport with Lola
This coming 2011 will be another new challenge for me in this harsh life. My new year resolutions are;

  • I want to buy a car
  • Have my convocation
  • Eat more and gain weight (LOL)
  • Pray to Allah more and be a good girl
New year night plan? Nothing. As usual, as previous new year nights. Sleep and act like nothing on the brand new day on the next day. Ha ha.

Read my 2010's resolution here. Well, I have a problem to provide links that I've wrote previous days for you but I've tried to gave you some of them that I've found. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!

16th Day Challenge

Good morning dreamers. I'm quite busy this lately since our big boss has arrived from their family vacation so that's mean I have to control myself in surfing the net. So here I am writing about my 16th Day Challenge; Your celebrity crush.

Wow, okay... This is one of my favorite question off all! Here's my list.

Enrique Iglesias

He's a singer and a hot Latino casanova.

But since I watch the Madrasapattinam movie, I think this Indian guy is quite hot too. Ha ha.


Whatever - He's in a middle. 
I like guys with un-shaved beard and yummy muscles and NO Korean gays, please!

16th Day Challenge

Good morning dreamers. I'm quite busy this lately since our big boss has arrived from their family vacation so that's mean I have to control myself in surfing the net. So here I am writing about my 16th Day Challenge; Your celebrity crush.

Wow, okay... This is one of my favorite question off all! Here's my list.

Enrique Iglesias

He's a singer and a hot Latino casanova.

But since I watch the Madrasapattinam movie, I think this Indian guy is quite hot too. Ha ha.


Whatever - He's in a middle. 
I like guys with un-shaved beard and yummy muscles and NO Korean gays, please!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tag from ASK (Abu)

I got this tag from my childhood friend, Abu but I'm sorry I can't complete question no.9 and right after it because I have no idea to whom I can tag back this because most of my followers didn't leave their links in my follower list. So here I am trying to complete this tag.

1. Adakah anda rasa anda hot? / Do you think you're a Hot person?
Erm...'hot' in what way? I don't know if I'm hot (sexy - as what I understand the meaning of hot) but of course all woman wants to be hot! Ha ha...

2. Upload wallpaper yang anda guna sekarang. / Upload your current wallpaper.

Screen 1. Currently listening to Madrasapattinam soundtrack. LOL

Screen 2
3. Cerita pasal gambar ni. / Tell something about this picture(s).

Ok, this is my current wallpaper. As you can see here there's two screens, well that's because I do use two screens in my office because a web designer needs two screens for their work tasks. It's two and it's WIDE. I believe within years, my eye sight will be worst!

I designed this wallpaper by myself and I put my signature on it and I love it. I love to use dark color as my wallpaper especially for my office's computer because it can help me to reduce too much light. But for my own personal laptop screen, I love to use this; my favorite wallpaper.

Angel on Your Bed

I use Rocket Dock for my easy access to my favorite softwares or folders. Look like Mac but it's a cool software.

That's my work desk. Sorry shaking.
4. Kali terakhir makan pizza. / Last time ate pizza.

I'm not a pizza eater but my last time ate pizza was last Christmas party in my office last 24th Decemeber.

5. Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar? / The last song you heard?

6. Apa yang anda buat selain selesaikan tag ini? / What do you do in addition finishing this tag?
Do my work. I'm in a office now. Hmm...

7. Selain nama sendiri, anda dipanggil dengan nama apa? / In addition to your own name, you are called by what name?

Mostly people call me Finie, but my relatives call me Pini or Kak Pini. My dad call me Dinda. Noorman's family call me Apeni or Penny. Noorman call me Sayang or munyet (mean; Monkey. Hm!). But mostly, I love people call me Finie.

Ok, done!

Tag from ASK (Abu)

I got this tag from my childhood friend, Abu but I'm sorry I can't complete question no.9 and right after it because I have no idea to whom I can tag back this because most of my followers didn't leave their links in my follower list. So here I am trying to complete this tag.

1. Adakah anda rasa anda hot? / Do you think you're a Hot person?
Erm...'hot' in what way? I don't know if I'm hot (sexy - as what I understand the meaning of hot) but of course all woman wants to be hot! Ha ha...

2. Upload wallpaper yang anda guna sekarang. / Upload your current wallpaper.

Screen 1. Currently listening to Madrasapattinam soundtrack. LOL

Screen 2
3. Cerita pasal gambar ni. / Tell something about this picture(s).

Ok, this is my current wallpaper. As you can see here there's two screens, well that's because I do use two screens in my office because a web designer needs two screens for their work tasks. It's two and it's WIDE. I believe within years, my eye sight will be worst!

I designed this wallpaper by myself and I put my signature on it and I love it. I love to use dark color as my wallpaper especially for my office's computer because it can help me to reduce too much light. But for my own personal laptop screen, I love to use this; my favorite wallpaper.

Angel on Your Bed

I use Rocket Dock for my easy access to my favorite softwares or folders. Look like Mac but it's a cool software.

That's my work desk. Sorry shaking.
4. Kali terakhir makan pizza. / Last time ate pizza.

I'm not a pizza eater but my last time ate pizza was last Christmas party in my office last 24th Decemeber.

5. Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar? / The last song you heard?

6. Apa yang anda buat selain selesaikan tag ini? / What do you do in addition finishing this tag?
Do my work. I'm in a office now. Hmm...

7. Selain nama sendiri, anda dipanggil dengan nama apa? / In addition to your own name, you are called by what name?

Mostly people call me Finie, but my relatives call me Pini or Kak Pini. My dad call me Dinda. Noorman's family call me Apeni or Penny. Noorman call me Sayang or munyet (mean; Monkey. Hm!). But mostly, I love people call me Finie.

Ok, done!

15th Day Challenge

I'm quite busy today but it's doesn't mean that I cant complete my 15th Day Challenge and today's question is; Something you don’t leave the house without.

Simple, I can't live the house without Hijab. I've been wearing hijab since I'm in kindergarten and I feel awkward without it. Hijab not only to protect your dignity but also to protect your hair from polluted air and harsh UV light. Lot's of hijab fashions not like old days so don't be scared to start wear hijab now because nowadays people won't say your out-of-date!

Sorry for the low quality of image, it's just a cheap junk of my Motorola
This is funny

15th Day Challenge

I'm quite busy today but it's doesn't mean that I cant complete my 15th Day Challenge and today's question is; Something you don’t leave the house without.

Simple, I can't live the house without Hijab. I've been wearing hijab since I'm in kindergarten and I feel awkward without it. Hijab not only to protect your dignity but also to protect your hair from polluted air and harsh UV light. Lot's of hijab fashions not like old days so don't be scared to start wear hijab now because nowadays people won't say your out-of-date!

Sorry for the low quality of image, it's just a cheap junk of my Motorola
This is funny

Mount Kinabalu and the morning sunrise

Can you see the mountain? - Taken from KKIA T1 MAS Airport, Kota Kinabalu; 5.30am

The morning sunrise reflection on the glass of MAS Airport

Good morning dreamers. It's a great day today because I've watched the Madrasapattinam movie last night for another second time, thanks to Mr. Mohammad for downloading it for me and today I wake up early; about 4am to send Noorman parents to the airport, they fly back to Kedah.

Just after they enter the departure hall at 5am, Noorman and me went to airport's McDonalds to have a breakfast then we went outside the airport enjoying the morning sunrise of Kinabalu City with the glory of Mt. Kinabalu.

I met Australian tourists while enjoying the view and we had a great chat. They are on their next trip to Sandakan. I bet he's reading my blog now because I gave him this blog when he asked what I do; I'm a web designer. Sir, if you read this, feels free to drop a comment below on the 'Love Notes', thank you!

While chatting with him; he asked me a question - "Which one does I like the best, Kota Kinabalu or Sandakan?” It's a good question! So, here's the answer;

I'm originally from Sandakan but currently work in Kota Kinabalu. I love both but mostly Sandakan not because I'm a Sandakan people but because I love history and all the past stories during the British Colony in Borneo and also interested with Agnes Keith book; "Land Below the Wind" stories. So, Sandakan is the best place to get them all.

I was so touched with the history of Sandakan Memorial Park and I love the English style in Agnes Keith House in Sandakan. Plus, I'm in a dreamy mood right after I watched the Madrasapattinam movie which is filmed based on the history of Chennai, India during the British Colony. Oh, so~ dreamy.

Mount Kinabalu and the morning sunrise

Can you see the mountain? - Taken from KKIA T1 MAS Airport, Kota Kinabalu; 5.30am

The morning sunrise reflection on the glass of MAS Airport

Good morning dreamers. It's a great day today because I've watched the Madrasapattinam movie last night for another second time, thanks to Mr. Mohammad for downloading it for me and today I wake up early; about 4am to send Noorman parents to the airport, they fly back to Kedah.

Just after they enter the departure hall at 5am, Noorman and me went to airport's McDonalds to have a breakfast then we went outside the airport enjoying the morning sunrise of Kinabalu City with the glory of Mt. Kinabalu.

I met Australian tourists while enjoying the view and we had a great chat. They are on their next trip to Sandakan. I bet he's reading my blog now because I gave him this blog when he asked what I do; I'm a web designer. Sir, if you read this, feels free to drop a comment below on the 'Love Notes', thank you!

While chatting with him; he asked me a question - "Which one does I like the best, Kota Kinabalu or Sandakan?” It's a good question! So, here's the answer;

I'm originally from Sandakan but currently work in Kota Kinabalu. I love both but mostly Sandakan not because I'm a Sandakan people but because I love history and all the past stories during the British Colony in Borneo and also interested with Agnes Keith book; "Land Below the Wind" stories. So, Sandakan is the best place to get them all.

I was so touched with the history of Sandakan Memorial Park and I love the English style in Agnes Keith House in Sandakan. Plus, I'm in a dreamy mood right after I watched the Madrasapattinam movie which is filmed based on the history of Chennai, India during the British Colony. Oh, so~ dreamy.

Monday, December 27, 2010


A beautiful English lady in a Tamil movie
Amy Jackson in Tamil movie
Oh beloved, 
no one has seen the moment flowers blossom
After dawn the full moon will not go away
Till yesterday, 

time would not go by, 
and now when with you,
 it is not enough

I didn't say anything today, 

don't feel like saying anything, 
don't know why

My Love, 

the nights are not getting over, 
if it did, the days seem endless
We don't need words, 

our eyes will talk to each other till we live
We don't need yesterday or tomorrow, 

all we need is this very moment

Without roots, 

without seeds, 
without the sky pouring rain, 
see his garden is flourishing

Without sword, 
without struggle,
 without the painful wars, 
see his Love is winning me

This hesitation is filling my heart, 

where will it end
Where will we get the explanation for this, 
if you get it, tell me as well

Oh where would I be without this joy inside of me
It makes me want to come alive
It makes me want to fly into the sky
Oh where would I be if I didn't have you next to me

Which is this cloud, 

who came to my doors to pour the shower
What is this relation, 

without understanding where is it leading
Without know who it is, 

Without knowing the name, 
I feel connected to him

Without asking why, 

though tried didn't stop, 
my heart follows his path
Though the road ends, 

the journey in the world will not end
Even after the bird disappeared in the sky, 

the dance started by the leaf will not stop
What is this

Source: Here
