I got this tag from my childhood friend, Abu but I'm sorry I can't complete question no.9 and right after it because I have no idea to whom I can tag back this because most of my followers didn't leave their links in my follower list. So here I am trying to complete this tag.
1. Adakah anda rasa anda hot? / Do you think you're a Hot person?Erm...'hot' in what way? I don't know if I'm hot (sexy - as what I understand the meaning of hot) but of course all woman wants to be hot! Ha ha...
2. Upload wallpaper yang anda guna sekarang. / Upload your current wallpaper.
Screen 1. Currently listening to Madrasapattinam soundtrack. LOL |
Screen 2 |
3. Cerita pasal gambar ni. / Tell something about this picture(s).
Ok, this is my current wallpaper. As you can see here there's two screens, well that's because I do use two screens in my office because a web designer needs two screens for their work tasks. It's two and it's WIDE. I believe within years, my eye sight will be worst!
I designed this wallpaper by myself and I put my signature on it and I love it. I love to use dark color as my wallpaper especially for my office's computer because it can help me to reduce too much light. But for my own personal laptop screen, I love to use this; my favorite wallpaper.
I use
Rocket Dock for my easy access to my favorite softwares or folders. Look like Mac but it's a cool software.
That's my work desk. Sorry shaking. |
4. Kali terakhir makan pizza. / Last time ate pizza.
I'm not a pizza eater but my last time ate pizza was last Christmas party in my office last 24th Decemeber.
5. Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar? / The last song you heard?
6. Apa yang anda buat selain selesaikan tag ini? / What do you do in addition finishing this tag?
Do my work. I'm in a office now. Hmm...
7. Selain nama sendiri, anda dipanggil dengan nama apa? / In addition to your own name, you are called by what name?
Mostly people call me Finie, but my relatives call me Pini or Kak Pini. My dad call me Dinda. Noorman's family call me Apeni or Penny. Noorman call me Sayang or munyet (mean; Monkey. Hm!). But mostly, I love people call me Finie.
Ok, done!